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Active-Perception Recognition Tasks

We desire a method for perceptual action selection that can learn from experience and be applied to a recognition task. Because we have a foveated image sensor which can only observe a single portion of the user at high resolution, at any given moment the full world state is hidden from our system. We thus need an action-selection method that can learn from only partial observations of state. By definition, a system for perceptual action-selection must not assume a full observation of state is available, otherwise there would be no meaningful perception taking place. Inspired by the success of statistical methods for hidden state learning in the domain of static perception (e.g., Hidden Markov Models), for active tasks we have chosen to explore the use of a hidden state learning model with both action and perception: the Partially Observable Markov Decision Process (POMDP).

A Partially Observable Markov Decision Process (POMDP) is essentially a Markov Decision Process without direct access to state [24,18]. Formally, a POMDP is defined as a tuple, $<{\cal S}, {\cal O}, {\cal A}, Tr(\cdot), Ob(\cdot), R(\cdot)\gt $, where $\cal S$ is a finite set of states, $\cal O$ and $\cal A$ a set of observations and actions, $Tr(\cdot)$ a model of state transition probabilities, and R a function giving the reward associated with executing a particular action in a particular state. After executing a particular action $a \in {\calA}$ in state $s \in {\cal S}$, the world transitions to a new state s' with probability Tr(s,a,s'), and the agent receives a reward R(s,a) and observation $o \in {\cal O}$ with probability Ob(s,a,o). We model state in the POMDP as the cross-product of world state and and the perceptual state of the camera, $\cal S= {\cal W} \times {\calP}$. In our work we do not assume the system has access to $\cal W$,nor does it know the transition likelihood between states $Tr(\cdot)$ or the likelihood function mapping states to observations $Ob(\cdot)$; we leave these unspecified.

We formulate an ``Active Gesture Recognition'' (AGR) task using this POMDP framework, and have found that instance-based reinforcement learning is a feasible means for finding good foveation policies. The set of states $\cal W$ describes the various person or object configurations possible in the scene. Since we have a foveated sensor, we assume that portions of the state of the world are only revealed via a moving fovea, and that the set of actions exist to perform that foveation. Some portion of the world state (e.g., the low-resolution view) may be fully observable and always present in the observation. The set $\cal A$ contains actions for foveation, a special action labeled accept and a null action. By definition, execution of the accept action by the AGR system signifies detection of the target pattern in the world. The goal of the AGR task is therefore to execute the accept action whenever a target pattern is present, and not to perform that action when any other pattern (e.g. distractor) is present. A pattern is simply a certain world state, or more generally a sequence of world states when targets are dynamic. The AGR system should use the foveation actions to selectively reveal the hidden state needed to discriminate the target pattern.

In the AGR task we define the reward function to provide a unit positive reward whenever the accept action is performed and the target pattern is present (as defined by an oracle, external to the AGR system), and a fixed negative reward of magnitude $\alpha$ when accept is performed and a distractor (non-target) pattern is being presented to the system.[*] Zero reward is given whenever a foveation action is performed.

In reinforcement learning problems we wish to find a policy, a mapping from state (in the case of an MDP) or some function on observations (in the case of a POMDP) to action which maximizes the expected future reward, suitably discounted to bias towards timely performance. An optimal policy maximizes  
 \begin{displaymath}Z = \sum_{t=t_0}^{\infty} \gamma^{(t-t_0)} r[t]\end{displaymath} (1)
where r[t] is the reward obtained at time t$\gamma$ is the discount parameter (we used $\gamma=0.8$). Given the reward function in the AGR task, this will correspond to a policy which successfully recognizes the target pattern.

Active Recognition Tasks

We have experimented with AGR tasks in two domains: an extended image domain used for algorithm evaluation and pedagogical purposes, and an interactive interface domain features from person-tracking and gesture analysis routines.
Figure 1:   (a) Active observation framework; static low-resolution observations are combined with active, high-resolution observations. Explicit actions guide fovea region. (b) Overview of AGR task in interactive domain. Real-time vision modules track body pose and hand/face gestures, providing input to hidden-state reinforcement learning module which chooses next observation and outputs recognition labels. (c,d) Four gesture patterns in interactive interface domain which require foveated images for discrimination: (c) Output from wide field of view camera; (d) output from narrow field-of-view active camera. 
(a)\psfig {,width=5.5in} 
(b)\psfig {,width=5.5in} 
(c)\psfig {,width=1.5in}\psfig {,width=1.5in}\psfig {,width=1.5in}\psfig {,width=1.5in} 
(d)\psfig {,width=0.75in} \psfig {,width=0.75in} \psfig {,width=0.75in} \psfig {,width=0.75in} 
Table 1:   Set of features used in POMDP formulation of Active Gesture Recognition task in interactive interface domain. This representation is computable in real-time using person tracking and gesture recognition routines described in [28,9,10].
feature values observability precondition
person-present (true, false) (always observable)
left-arm-extended (true, false) (always observable)
right-arm-extended (true, false) (always observable)
face-foveated (true, false) (always observable)
left-hand-foveated (true, false) (always observable)
right-hand-foveated (true, false) (always observable)
face (neutral, smile, surprise, ...) face-foveated == true
left-hand (neutral, point, open, ...) left-hand-foveated == true
right-hand (neutral, point, open, ...) right-hand-foveated == true

  In the interactive interface domain, we have implemented the AGR task using primitive routines to provide the continuous valued control and tracking of the different body parts that represent/contain hidden state. We represent body pose and hand/face state using a simple feature set, based on the representation produced by a body tracker [28] and an appearance-based recognition gesture system [9,10]. (See Figure 1(a,b)). We define the world state (which we also call user state in this domain) to be a configuration of the user in the scene. $\cal W$ is defined by body pose, facial expression, and hand configurations, expressed in nine variables (see Table 1). Three of these are boolean, person-present, left-arm-extended, and right-arm-extended, and are provided directly by the person tracker. Three more are provided by the foveated gesture recognition system, face, left-hand, right-hand, and take on an integer number of values according to the number of view-based expressions/hand-poses: in our first experiments face can be one of neutral, smile, or surprise, and the hands can each be one of neutral, point, or open. In addition, three boolean features represent the internal state of the vision system: head-foveated, left-hand-foveated, right-hand-foveated.

At each time-step, the full state $s \in {\cal S}$ is defined by these features. An observation, $o \in {\cal O}$, consists of the same feature variables, except that those provided by the foveated gesture system (e.g., head and hands) are only observable when foveated. Thus the face variable is hidden unless the head-foveated variable is set, the left-hand variable hidden unless the left-hand-foveated variable set, and similarly with the right hand. Hidden variables are set to a undefined value. The set of actions, $\cal A$, available to the AGR system in this example are 4 foveation commands: look-body, look-head, look-left-hand, and look-right-hand plus the special accept action and a null action. Each foveation command causes the active camera to follow the respective body part.

We also have implemented a version of the AGR task with target patterns which are defined as simple images. In this extended image domain, world state is simply a single high-resolution image, and the observation consists of a sub-sampled version of the entire image, plus a full-resolution window over a foveated region of the image. The fovea is a fixed size rectangle and can be moved by executing a set of foveation actions. Gaussian noise with variance $\sigma^2$ is added to the sub-sampled and windowed images to yield the low and high resolution observations.

In this domain we use a data-driven process to determine possible actions. Given a target image and a distribution (or set) of distractors, we sample distractor images, and compare with the target to determine locations which can possibly discriminate perceptually aliased pairs. We first normalize the center of mass of each object image so that actions will be computed in object-relative coordinates. Each pair of images which is not discriminable[*] using the low-resolution (fully-observable) portion of the observation is passed to a high resolution comparison stage. In this stage the images are compared and all points which differ are marked into a candidate foveation mask. The marked points in the mask are then clustered, yielding a set of final foveation targets. These target locations are converted to foveation actions to fixate at the given coordinate in an image of a new object, relative to the new object's coordinate frame.

In both domains, when evaluating the performance of an AGR system we present test and training patterns to the learning system interleaved with blank fields. Typically we switched patterns and started a new trial after 10-15 time steps, or after accept was generated.

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Trevor Darrell
