Class OncRpcTcpClient

  extended by org.acplt.oncrpc.OncRpcClient
      extended by org.acplt.oncrpc.OncRpcTcpClient

public class OncRpcTcpClient
extends OncRpcClient

ONC/RPC client which communicates with ONC/RPC servers over the network using the stream-oriented protocol TCP/IP.

Field Summary
protected  XdrTcpDecodingStream receivingXdr
          XDR decoding stream used when receiving replies via TCP/IP from an ONC/RPC server.
protected  XdrTcpEncodingStream sendingXdr
          XDR encoding stream used for sending requests via TCP/IP to an ONC/RPC server.
private socket
          TCP socket used for stream-oriented communication with an ONC/RPC server.
private  OncRpcTcpSocketHelper socketHelper
          Socket helper object supplying missing methods for JDK 1.1 backwards compatibility.
protected  int transmissionTimeout
          Timeout during the phase where data is sent within calls, or data is received within replies.
Fields inherited from class org.acplt.oncrpc.OncRpcClient
auth, host, port, program, timeout, version, xid
Constructor Summary
OncRpcTcpClient( host, int program, int version)
          Constructs a new OncRpcTcpClient object, which connects to the ONC/RPC server at host for calling remote procedures of the given { program, version }.
OncRpcTcpClient( host, int program, int version, int port)
          Constructs a new OncRpcTcpClient object, which connects to the ONC/RPC server at host for calling remote procedures of the given { program, version }.
OncRpcTcpClient( host, int program, int version, int port, int bufferSize)
          Constructs a new OncRpcTcpClient object, which connects to the ONC/RPC server at host for calling remote procedures of the given { program, version }.
OncRpcTcpClient( host, int program, int version, int port, int bufferSize, int timeout)
          Constructs a new OncRpcTcpClient object, which connects to the ONC/RPC server at host for calling remote procedures of the given { program, version }.
Method Summary
 void batchCall(int procedureNumber, XdrAble params, boolean flush)
          Issues a batched call for a remote procedure to an ONC/RPC server.
 void call(int procedureNumber, int versionNumber, XdrAble params, XdrAble result)
          Calls a remote procedure on an ONC/RPC server.
 void close()
          Close the connection to an ONC/RPC server and free all network-related resources.
 java.lang.String getCharacterEncoding()
          Get the character encoding for (de-)serializing strings.
 int getTransmissionTimeout()
          Retrieve the current timeout used during transmission phases (call and reply phases).
 void setCharacterEncoding(java.lang.String characterEncoding)
          Set the character encoding for (de-)serializing strings.
 void setTimeout(int milliseconds)
          Set the timout for remote procedure calls to wait for an answer from the ONC/RPC server.
 void setTransmissionTimeout(int milliseconds)
          Set the timeout used during transmission of data.
Methods inherited from class org.acplt.oncrpc.OncRpcClient
call, getAuth, getHost, getPort, getProgram, getTimeout, getVersion, newOncRpcClient, newOncRpcClient, nextXid, setAuth
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


private socket
TCP socket used for stream-oriented communication with an ONC/RPC server.


private OncRpcTcpSocketHelper socketHelper
Socket helper object supplying missing methods for JDK 1.1 backwards compatibility. So much for compile once, does not run everywhere.


protected XdrTcpEncodingStream sendingXdr
XDR encoding stream used for sending requests via TCP/IP to an ONC/RPC server.


protected XdrTcpDecodingStream receivingXdr
XDR decoding stream used when receiving replies via TCP/IP from an ONC/RPC server.


protected int transmissionTimeout
Timeout during the phase where data is sent within calls, or data is received within replies.

Constructor Detail


public OncRpcTcpClient( host,
                       int program,
                       int version)
                throws OncRpcException,
Constructs a new OncRpcTcpClient object, which connects to the ONC/RPC server at host for calling remote procedures of the given { program, version }.

Note that the construction of an OncRpcTcpClient object will result in communication with the portmap process at host.

host - The host where the ONC/RPC server resides.
program - Program number of the ONC/RPC server to call.
version - Program version number.
OncRpcException - if an ONC/RPC error occurs. - if an I/O error occurs.


public OncRpcTcpClient( host,
                       int program,
                       int version,
                       int port)
                throws OncRpcException,
Constructs a new OncRpcTcpClient object, which connects to the ONC/RPC server at host for calling remote procedures of the given { program, version }.

Note that the construction of an OncRpcTcpClient object will result in communication with the portmap process at host if port is 0.

host - The host where the ONC/RPC server resides.
program - Program number of the ONC/RPC server to call.
version - Program version number.
port - The port number where the ONC/RPC server can be contacted. If 0, then the OncRpcUdpClient object will ask the portmapper at host for the port number.
OncRpcException - if an ONC/RPC error occurs. - if an I/O error occurs.


public OncRpcTcpClient( host,
                       int program,
                       int version,
                       int port,
                       int bufferSize)
                throws OncRpcException,
Constructs a new OncRpcTcpClient object, which connects to the ONC/RPC server at host for calling remote procedures of the given { program, version }.

Note that the construction of an OncRpcTcpClient object will result in communication with the portmap process at host if port is 0.

host - The host where the ONC/RPC server resides.
program - Program number of the ONC/RPC server to call.
version - Program version number.
port - The port number where the ONC/RPC server can be contacted. If 0, then the OncRpcUdpClient object will ask the portmapper at host for the port number.
bufferSize - Size of receive and send buffers. In contrast to UDP-based ONC/RPC clients, messages larger than the specified buffer size can still be sent and received. The buffer is only necessary to handle the messages and the underlaying streams will break up long messages automatically into suitable pieces. Specifying zero will select the default buffer size (currently 8192 bytes).
OncRpcException - if an ONC/RPC error occurs. - if an I/O error occurs.


public OncRpcTcpClient( host,
                       int program,
                       int version,
                       int port,
                       int bufferSize,
                       int timeout)
                throws OncRpcException,
Constructs a new OncRpcTcpClient object, which connects to the ONC/RPC server at host for calling remote procedures of the given { program, version }.

Note that the construction of an OncRpcTcpClient object will result in communication with the portmap process at host if port is 0.

host - The host where the ONC/RPC server resides.
program - Program number of the ONC/RPC server to call.
version - Program version number.
port - The port number where the ONC/RPC server can be contacted. If 0, then the OncRpcUdpClient object will ask the portmapper at host for the port number.
bufferSize - Size of receive and send buffers. In contrast to UDP-based ONC/RPC clients, messages larger than the specified buffer size can still be sent and received. The buffer is only necessary to handle the messages and the underlaying streams will break up long messages automatically into suitable pieces. Specifying zero will select the default buffer size (currently 8192 bytes).
timeout - Maximum timeout in milliseconds when connecting to the ONC/RPC server. If negative, a default implementation-specific timeout setting will apply. Note that this timeout only applies to the connection phase, but not to later communication.
OncRpcException - if an ONC/RPC error occurs. - if an I/O error occurs.
Method Detail


public void close()
           throws OncRpcException
Close the connection to an ONC/RPC server and free all network-related resources. Well -- at least hope, that the Java VM will sometimes free some resources. Sigh.

close in class OncRpcClient
OncRpcException - if an ONC/RPC error occurs.


public void call(int procedureNumber,
                 int versionNumber,
                 XdrAble params,
                 XdrAble result)
          throws OncRpcException
Calls a remote procedure on an ONC/RPC server.

Please note that while this method supports call batching by setting the communication timeout to zero (setTimeout(0)) you should better use batchCall(int, org.acplt.oncrpc.XdrAble, boolean) as it provides better control over when the batch should be flushed to the server.

Specified by:
call in class OncRpcClient
procedureNumber - Procedure number of the procedure to call.
versionNumber - Protocol version number.
params - The parameters of the procedure to call, contained in an object which implements the XdrAble interface.
result - The object receiving the result of the procedure call.
OncRpcException - if an ONC/RPC error occurs.


public void batchCall(int procedureNumber,
                      XdrAble params,
                      boolean flush)
               throws OncRpcException
Issues a batched call for a remote procedure to an ONC/RPC server. Below is a small example (exception handling ommited for clarity):
 OncRpcTcpClient client = new OncRpcTcpClient(
     myprogramnumber, myprogramversion,
 client.callBatch(42, myparams, false);
 client.callBatch(42, myotherparams, false);
 client.callBatch(42, myfinalparams, true);
In the example above, three calls are batched in a row and only be sent all together with the third call. Note that batched calls must not expect replies, with the only exception being the last call in a batch:
 client.callBatch(42, myparams, false);
 client.callBatch(42, myotherparams, false);, myfinalparams, myfinalresult);

procedureNumber - Procedure number of the procedure to call.
params - The parameters of the procedure to call, contained in an object which implements the XdrAble interface.
flush - Make sure that all pending batched calls are sent to the server.
OncRpcException - if an ONC/RPC error occurs.


public void setTimeout(int milliseconds)
Set the timout for remote procedure calls to wait for an answer from the ONC/RPC server. If the timeout expires,, XdrAble, XdrAble) will raise a InterruptedIOException. The default timeout value is 30 seconds (30,000 milliseconds). The timeout must be > 0. A timeout of zero indicates a batched call, for which no reply message is expected.

setTimeout in class OncRpcClient
milliseconds - Timeout in milliseconds. A timeout of zero indicates batched calls.


public void setTransmissionTimeout(int milliseconds)
Set the timeout used during transmission of data. If the flow of data when sending calls or receiving replies blocks longer than the given timeout, an exception is thrown. The timeout must be > 0.

milliseconds - Transmission timeout in milliseconds.


public int getTransmissionTimeout()
Retrieve the current timeout used during transmission phases (call and reply phases).

Current transmission timeout.


public void setCharacterEncoding(java.lang.String characterEncoding)
Set the character encoding for (de-)serializing strings.

Specified by:
setCharacterEncoding in class OncRpcClient
characterEncoding - the encoding to use for (de-)serializing strings. If null, the system's default encoding is to be used.


public java.lang.String getCharacterEncoding()
Get the character encoding for (de-)serializing strings.

Specified by:
getCharacterEncoding in class OncRpcClient
the encoding currently used for (de-)serializing strings. If null, then the system's default encoding is used.