Jeffrey Bokor


Jeffrey Bokor is the Paul R. Gray Distinguished Professor of Engineering in the department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences (EECS) at UC Berkeley, with a joint appointment as Senior Scientist in the Materials Science Division at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory. He received the B.S. degree in electrical engineering from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in 1975, and the M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in electrical engineering from Stanford University in 1976 and 1980, respectively. From 1980 to 1993, he was at AT&T Bell Laboratories where he did research on a variety of topics in laser science, advanced lithography for integrated circuits, as well as semiconductor physics and technology, and held several management positions. He joined the Berkeley faculty in 1993. His current research activities include nanomagnetics/spintronics, graphene electronics, nanophotonics, and nano-electromechanical systems. He is a fellow of IEEE, APS, and OSA.




Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences

Paul R. Gray Distinguished Professor of Electrical Engineering

Contact Information

Office :510 Sutardja-Dai Hall
Office Hour: Friday 11-12
Phone: (510) 642 4134
The easiest way to reach me is by email: jbokor at eecs dot berkeley dot edu

Primary mailing address: EECS Department, 253 Cory Hall MC# 1770, Berkeley, CA 94720-1770

Lab Information

Lab: 151 Cory Hall -- (510) 642 2260
Assistant: Charlotte Jones
cmjones at eecs dot berkeley dot edu
(510) 664 4203