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Active Perceptual Interface using hidden-state reinforcement learning

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Table of Contents

Active Perceptual Interface using hidden-state reinforcement learning 


Vision as Interface 

Body tracking interfaces - ALIVE 

The ALIVE System 

ALIVE overview 

Body-tracking routine 

Foreground color models 

Scene projection 

Video: Body tracking and ALIVE 

Active Face and Gesture Tracking 

Gesture / Expression tracking 

PPT Slide 

PCA-based View class model 

PPT Slide 

PPT Slide 

Facial Tracking: Hardware 

Our approach 

Model mimics user (in real time) 

Video: Expression 


Active Vision framework 

Visual Attention for Active Interface 

Attention for Recognition 

Perceptual action-selection 

POMDPs for Visual Attention 

Active Recognition 

Active Recognition Example 

Active Recognition Example Domain 

Learning Active Recognition 


Hidden-state Q-Learning 

Memory-based Q-function 

Nearest Sequence Matching 

Memory-based Q-learning 

Variable K-NN 

Multiple-target AGR Example 

Active Recognition Example - 1 

Active Recognition Example - 2 

Active Recognition Example - 3 

Recognition results 

Recognition results - the fine print 

Extracting concise behavior 

Sample extracted recognition routine 

State-chain representation 

Integration of multiple chains 

Merge redundant steps 


Perceptive Network Interfaces 

Attentive Avatars  

Two rendering approaches 

Future Work

Author: Trevor Darrell