SAKE Reconstruction Demo

This a demo on how to use the SAKE method to perform autocalibration with no autocalibration lines. It is based on P. Shin et. al, "Calibrationless Parallel Imaging Reconstruction Based on Structured Low-Rank Matrix Completion" 2013, Accepted to MRM. The demo here shows how to recover a calibration area and then use ESPIRiT to recover the image.


Prepare DATA

load brain_8ch
DATA = DATA/max(max(max(abs(ifft2c(DATA))))) + eps;

ncalib = 48;
ksize = [6,6]; % ESPIRiT kernel-window-size

sakeIter = 100;
wnthresh = 1.8; % Window-normalized number of singular values to threshold
eigThresh_im = 0.9; % threshold of eigenvectors in image space
[sx,sy,Nc] = size(DATA);

mask = mask_nocalib_x2half;     % choose a 3x no calibration mask
DATAc = DATA.* repmat(mask,[1,1,size(DATA,3)]);
calibc = crop(DATAc,[ncalib,ncalib,8]);

Display sampling mask and root sos of zero-filled reconstruction

im = ifft2c(DATAc);

figure, imshow(cat(2,mask,sos(im)),[]);
title('Left: Sampling mask, Right: root sos of zero-filled reconstruction');
colormap((gray(256))); colorbar;

Singular values of the calibration matrix before SAKE

compute Calibration matrix, perform SVD and convert singular vectors into k-space kernels

[k,S] = dat2Kernel(calibc,ksize);

Display the singular vectors and values of the calibration matrix. There is no distinct null space anymore -- due to the undersampling

kdisp = reshape(k,[ksize(1)*ksize(2)*Nc,ksize(1)*ksize(2)*Nc]);
figure, subplot(211), plot([1:ksize(1)*ksize(2)*Nc],S,'LineWidth',2);
hold on,
legend('signular vector value','threshold')
title('Singular Vectors Before SAKE')
subplot(212), imagesc(abs(kdisp)), colormap(gray(256));
xlabel('Singular value #');
title('Singular vectors')

Compute ESPIRiT maps to show that the maps are corrupted as well.

[M,W] = kernelEig(k(:,:,:,1:floor(wnthresh*prod(ksize))),[sx,sy]);

show eigen-values and eigen-vectors. These are corrupted due to the undersampling

figure, imshow3(abs(W),[],[1,Nc]);
title('Eigen Values in Image space');
colormap((gray(256))); colorbar;

figure, imshow3(abs(M),[],[Nc,Nc]);
title('Magnitude of Eigen Vectors');
colormap(gray(256)); colorbar;
Warning: Image is too big to fit on screen; displaying at 67% 

Perform SAKE reconstruction to recover the calibration area

disp('Performing SAKE recovery of calibration');

tic;, calib = SAKE(calibc, [ksize], wnthresh,sakeIter, 0);toc

Performing SAKE recovery of calibration
Elapsed time is 30.774142 seconds.

Singular values of the calibration matrix and ESPIRiT Maps after SAKE

Sake now shows a null space and improved Maps.

[k,S] = dat2Kernel(calib,ksize);
[M,W] = kernelEig(k(:,:,:,1:floor(wnthresh*prod(ksize))),[sx,sy]);

kdisp = reshape(k,[ksize(1)*ksize(2)*Nc,ksize(1)*ksize(2)*Nc]);
figure, subplot(211), plot([1:ksize(1)*ksize(2)*Nc],S,'LineWidth',2);
hold on,
legend('signular vector value','threshold')
title('Singular Vectors after SAKE')
subplot(212), imagesc(abs(kdisp)), colormap(gray(256));
xlabel('Singular value #');
title('Singular vectors')

figure, imshow3(abs(W),[],[1,Nc]);
title('Eigen Values in Image space After SAKE');
colormap((gray(256))); colorbar;

figure, imshow3(abs(M),[],[Nc,Nc]);
title('Magnitude of Eigen Vectors After SAKE');
colormap(gray(256)); colorbar;
Warning: Image is too big to fit on screen; displaying at 67% 

Compute Soft-SENSE ESPIRiT Maps

crop sensitivity maps according to eigenvalues==1. Note that we have to use 2 sets of maps. Here we weight the 2 maps with the eigen-values

maps = M(:,:,:,end-1:end);

% Weight the eigenvectors with soft-senses eigen-values
weights = W(:,:,end-1:end) ;
weights = (weights - eigThresh_im)./(1-eigThresh_im).* (W(:,:,end-1:end) > eigThresh_im);
weights = -cos(pi*weights)/2 + 1/2;

% create and ESPIRiT operator
ESP = ESPIRiT(maps,weights);
nIterCG = 15;


ESPIRiT CG reconstruction with soft-sense and 2 sets of maps

disp('Performing ESPIRiT reconstruction from 2 maps')
tic; [reskESPIRiT, resESPIRiT] = cgESPIRiT(DATAc,ESP, nIterCG, 0.01,DATAc*0); toc
figure, imshow(cat(2,sos(ifft2c(DATA-reskESPIRiT))*10,sos(resESPIRiT.*weights)),[0,1])
title('Left: Reconstruction error x10, Right: SAKE+ESPIRiT reconstruction')
Performing ESPIRiT reconstruction from 2 maps
Elapsed time is 3.451226 seconds.