Advice to Applicants for Graduate Studies in EECS at Berkeley

Like most professors here at Berkeley I receive dozens of electronic letters expressing interest in graduate studies at Berkeley and enquiring as to the potential for graduate support. Unfortunately, I do not have time to respond to each of these individual letters, so let me try to pass on a few relevant comments:

First, you must be admitted through the formal process of admission to graduate studies in the Electrical Engineering division of the Department of EECS here at Berkeley. So the key point is to get admitted through normal channels. Beyond good grades, good GRE scores, and positive recommendation letters, the one thing that can improve a students chances of admission into our program is a track record of research publication.

To get a good idea of the research my students and I are working on, you should look at the group research page which can be found here.  Once you are admitted to the program and arrive in the Fall we will have plenty of time to explore research interests together.
Good luck!!!