David A. Hodges

Professor of Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences
(510) 642-3539
(510) 848-1258 (FAX)
516 Cory Hall #1770
Berkeley, CA  94720-1770

David A. Hodges is the Daniel M. Tellep Distinguished Professor of Engineering Emeritus at the University of California at Berkeley. He earned the B.E.E. degree at Cornell University in 1960 and the M.S. and Ph.D. degrees at Berkeley in 1961 and 1966. From 1966 to 1970 he worked at Bell Telephone Laboratories in Murray Hill and Holmdel, NJ.  In 1970 he joined the faculty in Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences at UC Berkeley. Following a year as Chair of the EECS Department, he served as Dean of the College of Engineering from July 1990 through June 1996.  He retired from regular service in 1998 and no longer accepts new students.

In the 1970s and 1980s Professor Hodges was active in teaching and research on microelectronics technology and design. Since 1984 his research has centered on semiconductor manufacturing systems. He has supervised 27 completed doctoral dissertations and 91 completed master’s degrees. With Professor Robert C. Leachman, he founded Berkeley's Competitive Semiconductor Manufacturing Program, with the support of the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation and the international semiconductor industry.

Professor Hodges was the winner of the 1997 IEEE Education Medal and the 1999 ASEE Benjamin Garver Lamme Award. He was the founding Editor of the IEEE Transactions on Semiconductor Manufacturing, a past Editor of the IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits, and a past Chairman of the International Solid-State Circuits Conference. With R. W. Brodersen and P. R. Gray, he received the 1983 IEEE Morris N. Liebmann Award for pioneering work on switched-capacitor circuits.  He is a Fellow of the IEEE and a Member of the National Academy of Engineering.  He is a former Director of Silicon Image, Inc. and of Mentor Graphics.

More biographical detail

Recent publications of D. A. Hodges

Final report of Competitive Semiconductor Manufacturing Program (3/2002)

Documents on cooperative programs linking the universities and industry in research

David Hodges Interviews

   August 2012

   David Hodges passed away on November 13, 2022