program tower; {This program solves the 5-disk tower of hanoi problem.} procedure hanoi(number:integer;from,onto,other:char); {Recursive procedure that solves a subproblem of the original problem, moving some number of disks, not necessarily 5. To move n disks, it must get the topmost n-1 out of the way, move the nth to the target stack, then move the n-1 to the target stack.} procedure movedisk(number:integer;from,onto:char); {This procedure moves one single disk. It assumes that the move is legal, i.e., the disk is at the top of its stack and the target stack has no smaller disks already. Procedure hanoi is responsible for making sure that's all true.} begin {movedisk} writeln('Move disk ',number:1,' from ',from,' to ',onto) end; {movedisk} begin {hanoi} if number <> 0 then begin hanoi(number-1,from,other,onto); movedisk(number,from,onto); hanoi(number-1,other,onto,from) end end; {hanoi} begin {main program} hanoi(5,'a','b','c') end.