Spring 2006 - EECS 219A

Computer-Aided Verification of Electronic Circuits and Systems 


General Information 

Although this course is about verification, it should not be confused with 219C. 219A is mainly about numerical simulation. 90% of the course is concerned with analog simulation.

Course Instructors

Lectures will be given by Professor Brayton.

Place and Time

Spring 2006, Friday 2:00-5:00, Cory 540 A/B.


Grades will be based on class participation, homework, a midterm exam, and a final project. Homework will involve some programming in MATLAB.  

Class Notes

Each lecture in PowerPoint will be posted on the class website on or before the day of the lecture.

Class Website

Lecture notes, PowerPoint slides, projects, announcements etc. will be posted on the website.


For additional info, email brayton at eecs dot Berkeley dot edu