5th Year M.S. | M.S.

5th Year M.S.

Towards Efficient and Robust Out-of-Distribution Deep Learning with Implicit Models
Ashwin Ganesh [2023]

Robust Naive Bayes
Aditya Mishra [2021]

Lifted Recurrent Neural Networks
Rajiv Sambharya [2018]

Deep Factor Graphs for Bayesian Prediction of High-Dimensional Games
Alon Daks [2017]

Solving the Cox Proportional Hazards Model and Its Applications
Jessica Ko [2017]


Approximation bounds for sparse programs
Armin Askari [2021]

Multi-Vehicle Collision Avoidance via Hamilton-Jacobi Reachability and Integer Linear Programming
Chia-Yin Shih [2021]

Implicit Structures for Graph Neural Networks
Fangda Gu [2020]

Fitting Nonconvex Biomechanics Energy Functions
Ahmed Bakhaty [2017]