M.S. | 5th Year M.S.


Ghostor: Toward a Secure Data-Sharing System from Decentralized Trust
Sam Kumar [2020]

Design of an Effective Ontology and Query Processor Enabling Portable Building Applications
Gabriel Fierro [2019]

Autoregressive Linear Thermal Model of a Residential Forced-Air Heating System with Backpropagation Parameter Estimation Algorithm
Eric Burger [2017]

An Analysis of the RPL Routing Standard for Low Power and Lossy Networks
Aishwarya Parasuram [2016]

Constraints And Techniques For Software Power Management In Production Clusters
Arka Bhattacharya [2013]

Towards Programmable Buildings: A Study of System Design for Application Portability in Buildings
Andrew Krioukov [2013]

Multichannel Reliability Assessment in Real World WSNs
Jorge Ortiz [2010]

Incremental Network Programming for Wireless Sensors
Jaein Jeong [2004]

5th Year M.S.

Beamforming Software Defined Radios for Wireless Sensor Network Interference Evaluation
William Zhao [2020]

User Private Clouds
Nicholas Riasanovsky [2020]

A Secure Message Broker in an Untrusted Environment
Dylan Dreyer [2019]

An Approach to Privacy Preserving Queries for Spatio-Temporal Data
John Sullivan [2019]

Pedagogy, Infrastructure, and Analytics for Data Science Education at Scale
Vinitra Swamy [2018]