On Training Robust Policies for Flow Smoothing (EECS-2020-197)
Kanaad Parvate

Arterial Traffic Flow Prediction: A Deep Learning Approach with Embedded Signal Phasing Information (EECS-2020-68)
Victor Chan, Qijian Gan and Alexandre Bayen

A Generative Model of Urban Activities from Cellular Data (EECS-2017-201)
Mogeng Yin, Madeleine Sheehan, Sidney Feygin, Jean-Francois Paiement, Alexei Pozdnoukhov and Alexandre Bayen

Alternate Representations for Scalable Analysis and Control of Heterogeneous Time Series (EECS-2017-195)
Francois Belletti

Applied Estimation of Mobile Environments (EECS-2014-32)
Kevin Weekly