Broadband traveling-wave amplifier
Thomas E. Everhart
U.S. Patent 2,963,615. December 1960

High power microwave tube
Charles K. Birdsall
U.S. Patent 2,957,103. October 1960

Backward-wave amplifier
Malcolm R. Currie and John R. Whinnery
U.S. Patent 2,955,226. October 1960

Measurement of transmission quality
Charles A. Desoer
U.S. Patent 2,953,743. September 1960

Traveling wave tube
Thomas E. Everhart
U.S. Patent 2,936,395. May 1960

Traveling wave amplifier
Charles K. Birdsall
U.S. Patent 2,935,640. May 1960

High-power traveling-wave tube
Charles K. Birdsall
U.S. Patent 2,921,223. January 1960

Electron gun
Charles K. Birdsall
U.S. Patent 2,921,215. January 1960