(April 2004)

During the period 2003-2004, the members of the Nonlinear Circuits and Systems Technical Committee (TC-NCAS) edited 2 Special Issues in related journals, published 6 technical books in the field of nonlinear circuits and systems, organized several special and invited sessions, and participated in numerous major conferences and workshops.

Special Issues in CAS-related Journals:
  • [1] M. di Bernardo, H.S.H. Chung, C.K. Tse, A. Ioinovici, M. Kazimierczuk, and T. Saito (eds.), Special Issue on "Switching Circuits and Systems," IEEE Trans. CAS-I, August 2003.
  • [2] G. Chen and X. Liu (eds.), Special Issue on: "Chaos Control and Synchronization," Dynamics of Continuous, Discrete and Impulsive Systems, vol. 10, no. 6, Dec. 2003.
    Our Technical Committee members published the following Books:
  • [1] G. Chen, D. J. Hill and X. Yu (eds.), "Bifurcation Control: Theory and Applications," Springer-Verlag, 2003.
  • [2] G. Chen and X. Yu (eds.), "Chaos Control: Theory and Applications," Springer-Verlag, 2003.
  • [3] D. Liu and P.J. Antsaklis, Editors, "Stability and Control of Dynamical Systems with Applications," Boston, MA: Birkhauser, 2003.
  • [4] F.C.M. Lau and C. K. Tse, "Chaos-Based Digital Communication Systems," Springer-Verlag, 2003.
  • [5] C.K. Tse, "Complex Behavior of Switching Power Converters," CRC Press, 2003.
  • [6] A. H. Zemanian, "Graphs and Networks: Transfinite and Nonstandard," Birkhauser-Boston, Cambridge, MA, 2004.
    Special/Invited Sessions/Tutorials organized:
    Our committee members participated in the organization of the following special and invited sessions and tutorials:
  • [1] ISCAS'03 - Invited Session on: "Advances in Recurrent Neural Networks". Organizers: Derong Liu and H. K Kwan.
  • [2] ECCTD'03 - Special Session on: "Chaos and Signal Processing". Organizer: Yoshifumi Nishio.
  • [3] GLOBECOM'03 - Tutorial on "Discrete-Time Chaotic Systems: Mathematical Tools and Communication Applications," San Francisco, December 2003. Organizers: G. Mazzini, R. Rovatti, G. Setti.
  • [4] ISCAS'04 - Special Session on: "Behavioral Modeling and Analog and Mixed Signal Simulation". Organizer: Leonid Goldgeisser.
  • [5] ISCAS’04 - Special Session on "Nonlinear Dynamics and Complexity in Network Traffic Modeling and Control". Organizers: G. Setti, G. Mazzini, and R. Rovatti.
  • [6] MTNS 2004 (Mathematical Theory of Networks and Systems 2004) - Special Session on: "Network modelling and control", to be held in Leuven, Belgium, July 2004. Organizer: M. di Bernardo.
    Conferences, Workshops, Schools:
    Our Technical Committee co-sponsored the following international conferences:
  • [1] Workshop on Chaos Control and Synchronization, Shanghai University, China, June 7-8, 2003.
  • [2] Shanghai International Symposium on Nonlinear Science and Applications, Fudan University, Shanghai, China, June 9-13, 2003.
  • [3] The International Conference on Physics and Control, 20-22 August 2003, St. Petersburg, Russia.
  • [4] The Second Asia-Pacific Workshop on Chaos Control and Synchronization, 7-8 November 2003, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai, China.
  • [5] The International Conference on Nonlinear Science and Applications, 9-13 November 2003, Shanghai, China.
  • [6] International Workshop on Nonlinear Circuits and Signal Processing (NCSP'04), Honolulu, U.S.A., March 5-7, 2004.
  • [7] NDES '03, 11th International Workshop on Nonlinear Dynamics of Electronic Systems May 18-21, 2003, Scuol, Switzerland.
  • [8] The International Conference on Communications, Circuits and Systems, 27-29 June 2004, Chengdu, Sichuan, China.
  • [9] The Third Asia-Pacific Workshop on Chaos Control and Synchronization, 18-19 July 2004, Melbourne, Australia.
  • [10] International Workshop on: "Nonlinear Dynamics and Complexity in Information and Communication Technology," Bologna, Italy, September 6-8, 2004.
    WWW Site and Mailing List:
  • The TC-NCAS WWW page: contains TC news, TC meeting minutes, conference reports, useful information regarding past and future conferences, and links to other sites of interest.
  • We continue to maintain the majordomo list (automatic mailing system) for the NCAS Technical Committee members and guests. The list is private and supports geographically diverse membership. It currently consists of 73 subscribing members. The TC-NCAS email address is: The members can subscribe and unsubscribe by sending e-mail to
    TC-NCAS OFFICERS (term ending at ISCAS 2004)

    Gian Mario MAGGIO, Chair

    Leonid GOLDGEISSER, Past-Chair

    Yoshifumi NISHIO, Chair-elect

    Joos VANDEWALLE, Secretary

    Gianluca SETTI, Track Chair for NCAS at ISCAS 2004